A new “Green Age’ has dawned upon us as we approach the end of the 2012 Mayan calendar. I believe in a new dynamic work force created by Eco-Smart Government & public awareness, a new mind set with fundamental ideals that will benefit the middle and lower class citizen, both representing a powerful ‘’Green Age Governing Force’’

Government should be responsible for safe guarding bio-diversity on all levels, supporting and funding small business innovation & clean energy alternatives, transparent on all levels having a ‘’Green Age Vision.’’

My personal vision is an adoption policy that will attract new global investors to our nation, increase jobs and local manufacturing incentives, import-export products on a global scale with out racial borders, securing national growth, economic security & corporate opportunity. Hopefully we can deliver a carbon free environment for all who share in this evolutionary race for clean energy and healthy living. I plan to propose a ‘’ Clean Breath Of Life Act ‘’ in the very near future to support and secure protection of this planet’s resources and it’s citizen.

My vision is simply forward thinking and sharing, 2011 is a vibrant new beginning starting with a ‘’Green Mind Set,’’ a smart work force that will dominate Government policy makers and reform social economic growth by possessing wisdom, global vision, climate change readiness, preservation and protection.

Understanding civil rights & socio-economic cultural indifference will bond nations together, this will improve global economic sustainability and relations. Investing in our children and teachers to bring forth clean energy alternative solutions, bio-diversity education, corporate transparency & cooperation, hard work, and strong faith in Government will give humanity the power to create a cleaner and safer environment, welcome the ‘’Green World Order.’’

Creating new jobs and innovation on a national level will secure a stable economy & growth, protecting our agricultural farmlands, lakes, forests, jobs and families from corrupt lobbied governments and predatory corporate criminals that disrespect environmental laws of land. The B.P. 2010 Gulf Of Mexico oil spill brings these kinds of man made disasters to the table that encourage global governing powers to implement environmental security standards in the work place, we can all work together with major oil companies to find better solutions and prevent future disasters.

A good example of wasteful tax dollar spending can also be reduced or compromised on a governing level; prestigious billion dollar G 20 summit meeting bring nothing to the global table except expensive Champagne and Caviar. The Mulroney- Schreiber air bus scandal in Canada wasted millions of dollars in lawyers fees and security to cover up a lobbied bribe decades ago, two-five hundred thousand dollar cash envelope corporate grease money cost tax payer millions in circus style debates and live televised coverage, the accused P.M never paid a dime or got any jail time, the grand finally was filling out a simple tax form that was well over due.

Jan. 2011, Jean Claude Duvalier coming back to Haiti after 25 years in exile, this is unacceptable in a modern day political climate. A Totalitarian Dictator, no better than Saddam Hussein. The human rights atrocities Duvalier committed under his regime and against his own people is mind boggling, he should face persecution after robbing Haiti’s entire treasury, writing himself carte blanche cheques, leaving his people to die of starvation with out jobs, shelter, food, clean water, and a governing power to protect them from natural disasters.

The 700 billion dollar U.S. Wall Street and bank bail out plan caused millions to loose jobs and property, the Federal Reserve’s heist of the century brain child ideology was to print more currency having no value in terms of gold, further inflating the U.S. national deficit, destroying the middle class, creating a jobless abyss. This shock wave fractured the Euro and almost bankrupted the entire global economy.

Wasteful tax payer dollars have been spent on corporate lawyers, bank bailouts and unnecessary wasteful programs, media misinformation comparing killers to political rhetoric only distracts the over taxed, hard working ‘’Joe The Plumber’s’’ from the real truth, we need honesty and transparency from our government in order to regain trust.

Earth is in peril and this is my main concern, we need responsible government to act now and think of our future generations inheriting all this toxic pollution and televised negativity, it's hard for people to trust some of the images portrayed by government and media, we can change this attitude by simply working together and improve our societies action and perception, democracy is the voice and power of the people who can make it happen..

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