Looking into a future world time capsule where a global oil crisis & economic melt down will occur in the near future. Rogue regime change and long term Middle East movement towards democracy will alter market oil price and change the way we do business during this process. The Middle East is at least 50 years behind the modern day world, this will most certainly take time to resolve. Regime shifting should be a wake up call for all developing nations addicted to oil. Now is the time to change this oil addiction and move forward towards renewable energy programs that will guarantee future stability in energy markets. The fossile age is over, oil addiction will get costly and strain all global economies, mostly in air travel, shipping, manufacturing, goods & services affecting national, socio economic sustainability.

It is estimated we may have enough oil to last us up to 2030, at this current rate of consumption we may have enough natural gas to last up to 2060. If all the oil reserves in the world were recoverable life would not change dramatically, from what history has shown us in previous industrial generations, humanity will eventually consume every last drop of oil and dry out this entire planet. When oil & gas run out there won’t be peace or economic stability anywhere on this planet, the impact will be so severe it may be even cause World War III.

It is also quite possible before the year 2020 that a lot of people will not be able to afford a vehicle with rising gasoline prices, heating your home will also create a hydro electric monopoly in price increase, most of us will be left out in the cold without notice. This world war of oil & global energy monopolisation started decades ago, we have seen great corporations, manufacturers, stock markets and banks collapse like dominos in this new age. The economic depression in 2008-09 put North America and the entire world in shackles, small & large business went bankrupt leaving millions of people out of work.

Future economic impact and unsustainability of excess oil consumption will drag this world into a massive market collapse that will also impact environmental and border security. We are all dependant on pumping gas into our cars and heating our homes but one day fossil fuel will be a thing of the past. The Middle East is just a pump stop that we have relied on and taken for granted keeping our tanks full for a cheap price, this is not the reality norm anymore.

The new future that lies ahead and unrest in the Middle East brings forth an ”Oil Change’’ mind check for all nations, energy regime transition at hand will affect the way we think, eat, commute, socialize and mate. The final outcome when oil & gas run out will create the greatest depression man has ever known in the history of this planet. We must prepare ourselves now for the worst case scenario heading our way. Most of the largest oil reserves in the world are in Iran and Iraq, Libya has 2%, the United States and Canada have only 5% of the world’s oil reserves and Mexico having another 5%, Iran and Iraq have 70% of the world’s oil reserves in areas that may be politically unstable and unpredictable under dictorial regimes.

North America will have to find efficient ways to preserve and create renewable energy sufficiently, when it comes down to international push and shove something has to give way. There is a lot of talk about off shore drilling and the abundance of oil, but ecological damage, oil and energy security is at risk costing billions in law suites, this will be a huge challenge for future generations. Looking at actual numbers the world may actually have less oil than it believes it may have. The U.S.A. is way past its peak oil stage since 1970.

In the very near future, plastics will be very expensive to manufacture and transportation costs will increase dramatically, this will create a new world paradigm. The plastic industry, fertilizers, pesticides & agricultural products will be in demand but rising costs will determine their out come. Most homes and even electric production plants require gas in order to produce energy, we are talking about a revolutionary, global restructuring plan revolving around oil & renewable energy modification & distribution. Within the next 25 years. most countries will be forced to take care of their own energy & agricultural resource while protecting and sustaining their national interests.

The corporate, franchised world we live in is like a giant octopus, once it gets a grip on the planet’s resources the elongating tentacles suck up and squeeze the life out of everything standing in it’s way. Unemployment and huge lay-off's are inevitable, pension plans, medicare and unemployment insurance benefits will be reduced dramatically, huge reduction of government funded social/educational programs could also create welfare & unemployment states.

The unpredictable addiction to oil stability in a future ‘’Oil Change’’ depletion scenario also applies to numerous government funded programs that need to be trimmed. ''Oil Change'' will impact infrastructure, travel, transportation, scientific research, medical, educational institutions, small and large businesses having to down size and raise prices in order to survive.

Major government cuts will also affect our senior pension plan & Medicare system threatening socio economic stability. Unions wil be a thing of the past, world wide slave labour increase will be the new end game norm, mass exodus shift on a global scale along with government corruption, crime, disease, food shortage, market inflation, homelessness, joblessness and even civil war which may even include marshal law. We are all heading in the same direction thanks to oil addiction, hitting a rock bottom. All we can do is change our dependence on oil now or face grim consequences later on when it's too late !

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