I wrote a letter to Andrea Horwath about Daniels case. I see members of parliment looking into other situations but they wont touch this one. This my letter. I would encourage others to write letters as well if they could take the few minutes. Someone has to look into this.

Dear Ms. Horwath,

I am writing to request your assistance. You have been made aware of the situation that my fiancé Daniel Perrins finds himself in. Despite taking all legal means at his disposal justice has not been done. There has to be some way of seeing that justice is upheld in this situation and it is shameful that every government body and every organization he has talked to has said well yes this is wrong but we can’t do anything about it. Do we live in a society where we have rules and laws that govern our elected officials and our social and government agencies but don’t actually mean anything? Something needs to be done. Even two police officers have confirmed that the laws broken in this situation should have resulted in criminal charges. But it hasn’t been done has it?

We have long complained as women that we have been treated unfairly and have been abused. That resulted in better protective services and supports for women. But I fear that we have let the pendulum of that good work go to far in the opposite direction. Now a man, a good man, can not get justice because a woman has lied and committed a crime against him. Even with proof - including email written by the woman admitting to the crime the justice system refuses to act. And as a result of their unwillingness to act Daniel finds himself in a position that leaves him with no means to survive let alone have the hope of a productive, happy future.

You have said that there is nothing more that you can do. Well I disagree and implore you to get involved. You are an elected member of parliament and I know that you have a lot of work but this is important. This runs to the very heart of the protecting men and women. If the law will not protect men from women (just as they protect women from men) then what other means do men have at their disposal to see that they are not continually harassed, abused and manipulated by a woman. Is it any wonder that a man’s mind might turn to violence? Fortunately, Daniel is a man of great restraint and moral fiber. He has not harassed or caused any damage to this woman and is trying desperately to focus his attention on getting positive changes not only for himself, but for the rest of the men who have suffered at the hands of an ex-female partner or spouse. We have seen your involvement and heard your comments when it was a woman being harmed by a man. Let’s see if you can show impartiality and show that same kind of concern where there is a man involved.

I encourage you a woman of position and influence to give this matter some attention. In my work as a volunteer in many different settings I have seen too many men destroyed by the lies and manipulation of women. Lets make sure that the crimes committed against all people – men and women are not used by government entities to negate or minimize their duty to the Canadian people to provide the services that they are mandated to provide. Help bring all injustices to light not just the ones that involve women.

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