Who cares about Freedom these days? Well, if you do…check this out!


Forced Organ Harvesting! ISIS does it and people go crazy. The Chinese Communist Party has done it for YEARS and no one bats an eye.

Today, we want to write to you about taking
a stand for FREEDOM, specifically against the
world’s largest oppressive regime.


Watch the award-winning film ‘Free China’ and you
will understand why we can’t just sit by and do
nothing about this authoritarian regime’s rise
to power…


As Martin Luther King, Jr. once said "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"! 


As Einstein once said "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

So what’s this all about?


You see our friends, Michael Perlman and Kean
Wong are award-winning documentary filmmakers
who were contenders for an Academy Award for
their latest work.

And for the last 18 months they’ve been to over
a dozen countries on their ‘Help Free China’
campaign in an effort to bring greater freedoms
to the people of China as well.


Think about this…

Wouldn’t it be in our own interests to be dealing
with a government that wasn’t ‘Communist’ or
allowed freedom of press and expression so we
actually know what’s really happening inside


Which is why this film is waking people up…

From a growing grassroots campaign that
has resulted in over 1000 screenings worldwide
in 26 languages, garnering the support of
dozens of Free China Ambassadors such as…


…Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu, Dr. Randy Sherman

(Operation Smile), Hollywood Actors Eric and
Eliza Roberts to name a few…


… we are now excited to help spread the word
about their eye-opening film called “Free China”
which is just about to premiere online.


 “Stirring…Narrative Power” – New York Times

This film is a MUST SEE if you care about
your freedom and certainly your children’s

freedoms. Check out their campaign video.

Help bring greater freedoms to 1.3 billion people and also get paid doing so.



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