The Colorado Geological survey vol.17 says, `` If the amount of time required for oil and gas to form is not known precisely. Since virtually no petroleum is found in rocks younger than one to two million years old, geologists infer that the process is comparatively slow (in human terms), even if it took only a few thousand years. Earth’s oil and gas resources are being used up by geological processes therefore, oil and natural gas are considered to be none renewable energy resources.`` I would like to argue this Colorado geological conclusion by saying, oil and gas is renewable energy and vital component required to re-fuel earth’s thermal dynamic core that provides stable temperatures based on two key functions, pressure and mineral content.


Heat flows from Earth’s core into the mantle boundary 1,860 miles (3,000 Km) below the planet’s surface, this recycled heat flow requires minerals, bio-decay, oil for soil flexibility and methane gas required for explosions that ignite volcanic eruptions, all of these vital components sustain our planet’s magnetic field. High resolution seismic images have produced earth’s liquid outer core region revealing minerals and pressure levels that indicate heat levels of 3,950 Kelvin, translating into a fiery 6,650 degrees Fahrenheit (3,677 degrees Celsius). Earth’s core has cooled over time, what concerns me the most is how fast will earth’s liquid core cool down or slowing down earth’s spin ? Further exploitation of methane gas & oil may cause a severe electro magnetic dysfunction, this will cause a global climate shift, Arctic melting, flooding, continental shifting, earthquakes, volcanic activity, intensified hurricanes, and finally increased  oceanic warming.


Geophysical studies shows earth has several distinct layers, each of these layers have their own properties. The Earth’s crust is composed mainly of alumino-silicates, the next layer is the mantle, which is mainly composed of ferro-magnesium silicates. The mantle is about 2900 km thick and separated into the upper and lower mantle, this is where most of the heat of the Earth is located. Large convective cells in the mantle circulate heat and drive plate tectonic processes. The last layer is the core which is separated into the liquid outer core (2300 km thick) and the solid inner core (1200 km thick). The outer core is composed mainly of a nickel-iron alloy, while the inner core is almost entirely composed of iron. Earth’s magnetic field is believed to be controlled by this liquid outer core, which in fact regulates and controls weather conditions.


The Earth is separated into layers based on mechanical properties in addition to composition. The topmost layer is the lithosphere, which is comprised of the crust and solid portion of the upper mantle. The lithosphere is divided into many plates that move in relation to each other due to tectonic forces. The lithosphere essentially floats atop a semi-liquid layer known as the asthenosphere. This layer allows the solid lithosphere to move around since the asthenosphere is much weaker than the lithosphere.


The outer core is actually an ocean of liquid metal, earth’s rotation makes this ocean flow and swirl, hot moving metal generates the planet’s magnetic field which also sustains earth’s climatic condition.


Most of earth’s heat is stored in the mantle keeping the upper crust we walk on cooled down. Four sources keep the earth’s core hot, first we have left over heat when  gravity first condensed our planet from the cloud of hot gases like methane and rock particles in pre-earth space. As the molten ball cooled down some 4.5 billion years ago the outside hardened and formed a crust, the earth's mantle is still cooling down. The vast majority of heat in earth’s interior is fuelled by the decaying of radio active isotopes like Potassium 40, Uranium 238, 235, and Thorium 232 contained within the mantle. These isotopes radiate heat as they shed excess energy and move toward stability.


Radio activity is present not only in the mantle but also in earth’s rocks, a 1-kilogram block of granite on the surface emanates a tiny but measurable amount of heat, as much as a, (.000000001 watt light bulb) through radio active decay. What this basically means is that earth naturally recycles all rocks, minerals and bio-decay from animal to plant, compressed hydraulic movements through evolutionary stages heading towards inner earth, hot molten & liquid upper core constantly swirls and moves. Earth’s hot molten magma is constantly refuelled via combustible methane gas and minerals, this is the end result and final conclusion of my Ex-Pollution theory. Looking billions of years into the future, earth’s core and mantle could  cool down and solidify enough to meet the crust, when this happens our planet will become a desolate and cold planet like Mars.

More than 500 billion barrels of oil have been consumed, the estimate remaining reserves are about one trillion barrels close to one barrel equal to 42 gallons. Close to half of the consumption has occurred in the last quarter century. Oil supply and demand are unevenly distributed around the world. More countries are demanding the use of fossil fuels as the worlds population increases. Two thirds of the worlds oil reserves are located in the Middle East. In contrast, the U.S has only 4% of the worlds reserves but consumes over 25% of the oil used world wide, the U.S is the largest consumer in the world. My main objective and question is, how many years does it take to replace this fuel with out damaging earth’s electro magnetic flux engine ?


Colorado Geological survey, volume :7 no: 2, suggests. ``Oil can be simply described as fossil fuels are those energy sources that formed from the remaining once living breathing organisms. They include oil, natural gas, coal, and fuels derived from oil shale and tar sand. Fossil fuels rise from differences between the starting materials from which the fuels formed and changed to those materials after the organisms died and buried within layers of the Earth.``


Petroleum means rock-oil, and comes from the Greek word ``Petra``, meaning, rock or stone and oleum meaning,  oil liquid petroleum or oil, comprises a variety of liquid hydro-carbon compounds. These compounds are made up of different proportions of the elements carbon and hydrogen. There are also gaseous hydro carbons like natural gas in which methane is the most common component.  We must protect our planet's natural resources and respect the power of mother natue.


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