Event Details


Time: November 21, 2008 at 8pm to November 23, 2008 at 1pm
Location: The Sanctuary at James Street Baptist Church
Street: 96 James Street
City/Town: Hamilton
Phone: 9055229042
Event Type: Fundraiser, for, Out, of, The, Cold
Organized By: Christopher
Latest Activity: Nov 19, 2008

Event Description

You are cordially invited to attend two nights featuring some of the best in Hamilton talent and celebrating one of the Beatles' most beloved albums!!!

ALRIGHT! will recreate the album, The BEATLES, from start to finish. The concert will also feature other music that was released by the Beatles in 1968. This concert continues in a series of Beatle album tribute shows begun in 2006 (IT IS SHINING - Revolver) and culminating in the very successful "IT WAS 40 YEARS AGO TODAY" tribute of the Sgt Pepper album, which won a Hamilton Music Award for the BEST MUSICAL EVENT OF THE YEAR BY PEOPLE'S CHOICE. ALRIGHT is one show you will NOT WANT TO MISS!!!!

Guests slated to appear at the time of writing are: Jennifer Beehler, Bob Bryden, Christopher Clause, Leanne Cranfield, Sonny Del Rio, The Dell'Untos, Espanola (featuring Aaron Goldstein), Duncan Findlay, Hailey Gillis, Jade Greenaway, The Jamiesons, Karen Johnson, AaLia Kesari, The Kings of Marigold, Kim Koren, John Kossop, Kenny MacInnis, Courtenay McClelland, Deborah McIvor, Spider Murphy, Steve Parton, Salsa Dave Pomfret, Phil Rose, Sack of Yams, Alfie Smith, Fred D. Smith, Ginger St. James, Lena Montecalvo-Smye, Mike Trebilcock, Russ Wilson and a few SPECIAL guests :)

Tickets are $10 per night OR you can buy a special "Don't PASS me BUY" pass for BOTH nights for $15. ALL proceeds go to Challenge 2008, which pays for the heat and hydro so that Out of the Cold can run it's program every Monday and Tuesday from November to March at James Street Baptist Church. This program has become very crucial for people in the downtown core of the city, and these concerts help to keep people in need in a warm and safe environment. We hope you can help us take a small bite out of poverty and homelessness in our city :)

Tickets are available at James Street Baptist Church, or online at www.footrecords.ca


The Shows:
• The image commissioned for the show was created by local photographer Kyle Weir from a concept created by cc. Each apple represents each individual Beatle and the colour that they desired the Apple to be for their THEN new record label, Apple Records. John wanted the Apple white, Paul wanted the Apple green, George wanted the Apple orange and Ringo wanted the Apple blue.

• I was commissioned by the Orillia Beatles' Celebration to put together a five piece band, The Kings of Marigold, that recreated the album from start to finish on September 22 of this year. Those amazing musicians that joined me were Chris Jamieson (bass), Steve Parton (guitar and vox), Barb Bloemhof (vox, percussion) and Mike Rittenhouse (drums). The nucleus of this amazing band will be the official backing band for the two shows.

•Did you know that if you add up the letters in the last name of each Beatle that the total letters equal the number of songs on a side of the lp?

Side One: 8 tracks: H-A-R-R-I-S-O-N
Side Two: 9 tracks: M-c-C-A-R-T-N-E-Y
Side Three: 7 tracks: S-T-A-R-K-E-Y (Ringo's real last name)
Side Four: 6 tracks: L-E-N-N-O-N

•During the making of this album, Ringo left the group for a short period of time. There are a few tracks that Ringo is NOT playing drums on. Can you name them?

•It is the first Beatles' album to contain the sound of female voices on BIRTHDAY as well as THE CONTINUING STORY OF BUNGALOW BILL and REVOLUTION # 9, featuring our Facebook friend, Ms. Yoko Ono :)

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