Event Details


Time: October 28, 2015 at 8pm to December 16, 2015 at 10pm
Location: Agdas Javid\s Home
Street: 132 Hillcrest Avenue
City/Town: Dundas.
Event Type: wonderful, community, gatheing
Organized By: Aghdas Javid
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2015

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Event Description

Agdhas Javid Fireside
8:00pm - 10pm Wednesday of each week 2015

All people from all faiths or no faith are welcome to
come and investigate Baha'i religion, every Wednesday
evening at 8:00 pm at 132 Hillcrest Avenue, Dundas.

Refreshments and Networking with wonderful people in our Community and beyond.


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Comment by FixOurWorld on May 3, 2015 at 8:37pm

 This Wednesday May 6th Barbara Mail from St. George will talk about her trip to Bangladesh and the wonders of the world of humanity.

Comment by FixOurWorld on December 28, 2014 at 12:57pm


Local Baha’is share the joy of the holidays

Often people at this time of year ask if the Baha’is celebrate Christmas and what Christmas means to a Baha’i.

The followers of Baha’ullah, meaning Glory of God, have a deep reverence for Jesus and accept implicitly His teachings and His station.

They remember His ministry on the commemoration of His birth with deep gratitude for His sacrifice for humanity.

Baha’is come from many religious backgrounds. Many followed the Jewish, the Christian, the Muslim, the Buddhist, the Hindu, or Zoroastrian Faith.  Now that they are Baha’is, they accept the teachings of all the past manifestations of God.

Baha’ullah teaches that each messenger came to a particular time in human evolution and according to what humankind was ready to understand, they revealed God’s plan.

Baha’is believe each prophet had a special message for the time in which he appeared. Moses brought the Ten Commandments and taught justice. Jesus taught love and life after death. Mohammed taught social consciousness and nationhood. Baha’ullah teaches the oneness of humankind.

Baha’is are enjoined by Baha’ullah to “Consort ye with the peoples of all religions with joy and fragrance.”

For Baha’is to argue about religion is to defeat the very purpose – unity and diversity and achievement of the oneness of humankind.

Therefore, the Baha’is share the joy of Christmas and send greeting cards to Christian friends and attend their parties. But among themselves Baha’is observe the nine holy days of their faith.

These holy days are Baha’i New year (March 21), the birth of the Bab, (the forerunner), the birth of the Baha’ullah, the declaration of the Bab, the declaration of Baha’ullah, three days, martyrdom of the Bab and the ascension of Baha’ullah.

So, if they observe Christmas, they would have to observe all the holy days of all the religions and that would not be possible.

So, the Baha’is wish all the Christians a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year and Happy Holidays to all other religions.

Aghdas Javid, Greensville

Comment by FixOurWorld on December 28, 2014 at 12:56pm

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