J. Aldric Gaudet
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J. Aldric Gaudet's Page

Profile Information

What impact would you like to have on the world?
To make media literacy a priority in all aspects of peoples lives to prevent the corporations from making us believe their propaganda.
Add Tips for others to use
make a video.
Get behind the scenes of a telecast, learn how many decisions are made based on entertainment value rather than news value.
Listen, watch and read intelligent dissension.
Look deeper into every story, beyond the headlines.
Remember that truth is hardly ever the deciding factor for today's newscasts.
Upcoming Events
Ayden's ride - summer of 2013.
At 14, Ayden admits he could never have gotten this far without the help of doctors, nurses, therapists and organizations who all in some way were supported by the United Way.
Thanks to these organizations Ayden maintains a personal presence, is able to stand tall, on his own, as an individual, and at 14 he wants to give back.
He wants to raise money in the name of the United Way by putting himself through the gruelling ordeal of traversing Canada via recumbent trike.
During his journey across the country Ayden could use the kind of encouragement your community can give by being there to cheer him on when he comes through your area. Ayden will spend his summer riding to raise money for the United Way, travelling from Newfoundland to B.C. retracing Ayden’s hero, Terry Fox’s planned route.
Spread the word and come to the curb.
Follow him on facebook or his website www.aydensride.com
What clubs, groups, orgs are you involved with
Hamilton Media Arts Centre
About Me: Describe what you are doing in the areas of Peace,Environment, Health, Empowerment
Making myself available to those who wish to say something about the human condition in the media, as a mentor, colleague, or cheerleader.

J. Aldric Gaudet's Blog

Ayden's Ride

Ayden's ride - summer of 2013.

At 14, Ayden admits he could never have gotten this far without the help of doctors, nurses, therapists and organizations who all in some way were supported by the United Way.

Thanks to these organizations Ayden maintains a personal presence, is able to stand tall, on his own, as an individual, and at 14 he wants to give back.

He wants to raise money in the name of the United Way by putting himself through the gruelling ordeal of traversing Canada…


Posted on October 4, 2012 at 12:33pm

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At 12:16am on October 7, 2012, FixOurWorld said…

Wow Ayden

Welcome to our Global Family.

I will help support you anyway I can.  Peace Be With You Always <3 I'm so proud of you <3



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